New Students
Welcome to the Loyola Intensive English Program!
There are still a few more steps that you will need to take before you start your English journey at LIEP. Click through the links below to see what steps you still need to take!
If you plan to enter on a student (F-1) or an exchange (J-1) visa and you have already received your admission packet, you will need to get your student (F-1 or J-1) visa! You can read more about the process here.
Plan to arrive a day or two before your orientation to help you adjust to your new surroundings! You can find driving directions to Loyola and a campus map here.
Housing for men and women is available on campus in Loyola’s modern, air-conditioned residence halls. They provide a safe living environment and give you the opportunity to make friends with U.S. students. All rooms are double rooms, and LIEP students are almost always placed with English-speaking roommates. You should apply early because rooms are extremely limited.
Many apartments are available near campus if you plan to stay in New Orleans for a longer period of time. For more information about living off-campus, visit We recommend, however, that you initially live on campus. There is a cafeteria on campus which serves three meals daily. There are also many inexpensive restaurants in the university area.
If you decide to live on-campus, you will need to fill out out a housing application and contract. This is available as part of your LIEP application.
If you are on an F-1 or J-1 visa, you are required to have health insurance while you study in the United States. Students who are on an F-1 and J-1 are automatically signed up for health insurance through LewerMark Insurance unless they apply to waive coverage and use a comparable policy.
Read more about the health insurance requirements and waiver application here.
All LIEP students are required to turn in an Immunization form by the end of the first week of classes. It is easier and cheaper to get your immunizations while you are still in your country. If you have not filled out your immunization form yet, you can download it here. If you do not wish to receive the vaccines, you can fill out a waiver. Please note that if you are living on campus, you must turn in a completed vaccination form. If you have questions about the vaccines or the waiver, please contact us at
Parking on-campus
To park on campus, you must have a Loyola parking decal. If you are planning on driving to orientation, email so that we can make arrangements for you to park on-campus your first day. You will be allowed to park on Loyola's campus without a parking decal on the first day of orientation; after that, you will receive a parking ticket and have to pay a fine. To purchase a parking decal, you need a valid driver's license, proof of insurance, and registration. You can purchase a parking decal at the Parking Office. Rates for parking decals during the Fall and Spring semester are $180. If you are coming for an 8-week session or during the summer, prices are based on the number of weeks you will be attending classes. You can read more about parking here.
Parking off-campus
If you are planning on driving to LIEP, you should know beforehand that parking off-campus can be difficult. Most of the streets around Loyola have what is called 2-hour parking. This means that if you park for more than 2 hours, you might receive a parking ticket and have to pay a fine. Before you park near Loyola, you should look for signs like the one below. If you are driving and plan to park off-campus on your first day, please give yourself extra time to find parking and to walk to the building.