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Hiring International Staff

Staff Positions

All staff employment must go through Human Resources. The university will not prepare immigration petitions for staff. Individuals and departments can choose to file applications using approved attorneys, following the guidelines below and after discussion with HR.

Guidelines for working with attorneys for staff positions:
CIE will be happy to recommend attorneys who specialize in immigration.

H-1B Applications:

Labor Condition Attestation - Attorneys must use the OES Survey with certification from the Louisiana Alien Labor Certification Unit. If the Department does not pay the filing fees than the employee's salary as listed on the OES Survey must be reduced by the amount of the filing fees for the LCA.

The Public File must be sent to CIE and should include the following documents:

  • Prevailing wage certification
  • Actual wage letter from department
  • Proof of posting (from Human Resources)
  • Certified labor condition attestation.

Staff applications are signed by the Director of Human Resources.